Tag Archives: fantasy author

Mega Spring Sale 18th to 22nd of May!

The Mega Spring Lesfic Book sale organised by iheartlesfic has started!

Dozens of mega discounted books in all genres within lesbian fiction can be found on the site.

Three of my books are discounted, one is even free! Please spread the word and share the love!

Grab yours here:

Click here

Happy reading! And remember us authors always appreciate a review on Amazon or Goodreads! It’s a great way to say thank you and for our books to be found by other readers!



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New Cover for Call Off The Search!


I’ve been thinking to change the cover for ages now as it just wasn’t generating enough sales and I didn’t really like it. It was too dark, too depressing. So, I came across this picture which I bought from Shutterstock. It’s perfect as it portrays Sula, the main character much better. The feathers for her mind merging/flying abilities. The quantity of them; members of her race, vanishing like feathers on the wind. Her bronze skin, her green eyes, but also her sensuality. tThe fact that she looks in the camera with a defiant look, makes her appear stronger which she is, but her mouth depicts vulnerability as well.

What do you think? Would you want to read the book by seeing the cover and reading the blurb:

What if you’re the last of your kind? What if you’re so different you had to hide? Hide from people responsible for the annihilation of your kind? Would you be safe, ever? Could you forgive?

For Sula it’s not so easy. She possesses superpowers of which humans can only dream, but she has one fatal weakness–one which let to the downfall of her people–the comyentis. Jealous of their ability to merge their minds with animals to instill their abilities, people sought her kind out and destroyed them. After living a life in hiding, years searching for others of her kind, Sula faces a difficult choice. With not just her own life but her whole species’ held precariously within her hands, she feels the weight of her responsibility.

Will she be able to overcome her aversion to humans to save her species from total annihilation? And what else is in store for her?
Will she follow her head or her heart?

‘Call Off The Search’, Book One in the supernatural fantasy Comyenti Series, follows Sula as she fights for her new family, her female lover, her hopes, her freedom and the very existence of her species.
The dramatic sequel, ‘Children of The Sun’ is also available on e-book and in paperback.

“A fantasy novel that boldly goes where most works in the genre dare not tread.” ~ John R. Dizon,
#1 in lgbt fantasy TOP RATED February-May 2015.

Get yours here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HIRTFZE

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Cover Reveal for new Fantasy novella ‘The Cursed’

I’m pleased to announce the cover for my new #Fantasy novella to be released next month!

I originally called it ‘The Legend of Aoife and Fionnuala’ and it was accepted by a publisher, but I decided to pull out to have full control. That’s me! (:


~In the emerald Tuatha kingdom of Lir, in ancient Ireland, Fionnuala and her brothers lead a magical, carefree life. But when their mother dies their world is turned upside down. Left heartbroken, their father the King locks himself in his bedchamber, leaving Princess Fionnuala to care for her younger brothers. But when little Conn falls gravely ill she must seek help.

When a healer named Aoife arrives all of them fall for her beauty, but none as much as Fionnuala. The feelings are mutual, or so it seems…
However, King Lir, taken by her radiance and red hair– similar to that of his late wife– takes her for himself and marries her.
Betrayed and hurt by this, will Fionnuala find a way to be with Aoife, or will a jealous King come between them?

Suspenseful, romantic and seeped in myth and magic, novella ‘The Cursed’ captures a dramatic twist on the Irish Myth ‘Lir’s Children’ encompassing the power of love, hope and patience.

Stay tuned for the release date in December!


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Interview on me and my latest book

Check out my latest interview here on this blog: Lynnlawler

Enjoy! (:

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Symbolism and thoughts on short story ‘Chained Freedom’ by Natasja Hellenthal

Chained Freedom Coverfinal1

“This is not a fairytale, but a true story,” storyteller Tana Woodwolf tells the audience at the start of ‘Chained Freedom’.

This is some more information, symbolism and random thoughts about ‘Chained Freedom’, a thought-provoking fantasy. I’ve written the story some years ago whilst being stuck in a rather, suffocating relationship. I always had the choice to step out sooner than I did, but I didn’t feel ‘free’ enough, or ‘ready’ enough, or even ‘strong’ enough to do so but moreover full of guilt.
Instead, I wrote this story, as all my stories are based on my own life and experiences to some degree. I’m not Tana, mind you, but I feel like I know her really well!
But it’s not just relationships, of any kind, we can relate this story to, and apply it to our lives; it’s any kind of loss of freedom really. Freedom; everyone’s birthright, but so very fragile and easily swept away from us, whether we let it happen consciously, or more than often not. It could also be through religion, our upbringing, conditioning and social dogma’s that we get trapped without giving it a second thought.
When are we really free?

Chained Freedom’ is a short story featuring Fay Comyenti, first daughter of Sula and Felix from the first book in a Fantasy drama series, ‘Call Off The Search’ (Comyenti Series), and how she helps a woman break free from a magical entrapment.
Fay is not the main character, but an important side-character, who reminds the main character of Chained Freedom, Tana Woodwold, of her own inner strength.

Short synopsis:

Tana Woodwolf wakes to find herself trapped within a strange land. She learns quickly from the faces of the others that this is no paradise she has been transported to; it is a prison.
Unable to escape, Tana soon discovers that a dark and malignant force is dragging them, one-by-one, to unreachable higher rooms of the tower from which they never return.
If she is to ever escape from there then she will need to use all the guile and strength she has within her. Does one of the others hold the key? Or is it something else within the prison that she needs to study?
As the darkness comes nearer, a strange voice whispers, ‘Look and be free… You have to let go of what you know.’
Should she trust the voice? Should she trust the others? Does she even have a choice?
As despair and terror closes in around them all, only one person can discover the truth and save them…

Symbolism of Chained Freedom (spoiler alert!)

Tana, once free, is determined to also help free the other slaves. She won’t rest until she has found a way to do so. She cannot be completely free, until then she is still chained. Little does she know that the Wizard is the very embodiment of Evil and can never be defeated. It’s the balance of life, of light and dark, of right and wrong. It is more than that: as long as men continue to do evil, hurt other people, the Wizard will live. Only people with dark thoughts are being transported! That’s the first rule.
As for the other slaves, they are people like Tana, who cannot be broken free from the outside, but themselves will have to try to find a way from the inside.
Some people aren’t ready yet and live with a curtain (the magic wall), closed over their eyes. Others, like Tana, with a little help, can see an opening and find a way to lift the veil to let the light in again; a way to see the world in its true light and find goodness. Hope is the key that can open the heart which is the way. Compassion and love are the door(s).

Tower: Patriarchal dominance and world-leader ship. The prisoners end up there (close to the evil wizard) as a first warning and to actually been given a second choice. Not the real criminals are being put here, as they get a harder punishment, but people, like Tana, with minor crimes.
Prisoners: that’s what we all are unless we break through. Also a reference to ‘free range’ animals, or caged domesticated animals, who can’t escape at all. The prisoners know, like farmed animals, that they will end up dead and live in fear (both have been proven).
Wizard: Pure evil. But really it’s not about him, he is just a symbol. That’s why he has no face, no name, no voice and no real role in the story, because it’s about the slaves and their own inner wizard, their own evil inside of themselves. You can choose to do either good or bad. But you cannot be good to others if you’re not good to yourself first.
Disbelieve of their fate: What have they done wrong to deserve this? That’s a real life question of many people in ‘chained’ or difficult situations.
The Magic wall: the curtain or veil that is drawn over our eyes, making us forget our innocence and to be in touch with the real world around us.
Fay: the helper, someone who believes in Tana, for we all need someone to have faith in us; to do what seems the impossible.
Chains: invisible, but they’re still there. Also our responsibility to help others. We can never be truly free unless the whole world is. Until then we are still half-chained or with
one hand.

The message that Tana is trying to give to other people is: Be good, do good, be kind to one another. If you don’t, you’ll end up in the tower. Because she had found kindness and a love in her own heart, hope and a lightness in her being, maybe by doing good, helping others, she found a way out and the wizard ‘let’ her escape, because she was changed and no longer evil.
I believe that with the right mind-set and help people indeed can change.
This story to me is the ultimate story of good and evil, right and wrong and how we can all fight our own evil in ourselves and help others. Surely by helping others you reduce the evil in your heart. The opening in the wall in the end was bigger and felt easier for Tana to find.


“If you cannot change a situation why not improve the quality of life around you?”

“You see, you’re only chained if you allow yourself to be chained. Your soul, the real you, cannot be put in shackles and will always be free.”

“You can’t possibly make holes in the wall for everyone. I don’t think it works that way,’ Fay said. ‘You’ve seen it with your own eyes. They have to, like you did, create their own doorway.’
‘So, I’ll show them how. I can teach them how to escape, I’m sure I can.’
I had a feeling she didn’t agree with me.
‘I’m not saying you can’t, but how does the old saying go; prevention is better than a cure?”

“The other prisoners and I had one thing in common: our enslavement, chains or not, and there surely would be more people after my leaving, perhaps I had been replaced already.
Am I free?
Even though I could have easily walked away and forgotten all about the mysterious evil wizard and his slaves, I just couldn’t. Until then, my freedom was still in chains.”

End Note:

After nearly ten years of being thrown backwards and forwards, of living in doubt and insecurities, of a life half lived in freedom, half in chains, I managed to free myself from my own forged shackles. But, complete freedom is of course a big word. I will always have my responsibilities as we do, some I created, but since then I’m much stronger and aware and am no longer shackled. The chains I wear these days or made of invisible soft silver cords.
I’m even more conscious of the meaning of freedom and what we are all doing with it once we have it, or what we do to get it back when we don’t.
Every day in freedom is a gift. Many don’t have it and are still fighting that struggle, some have lost their lives.
We are all bound to each other through invisible, silver lines as I call them. They are not just those attached to our family and friends, but to everyone. I believe we owe it to others who are less fortunate and need our help, even if we don’t know them.
We cannot help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

‘Chained Freedom’ is available here:


Listen to the book here:http://www.booktrack.com/read/d9408688c713442e8476cf3a46693f5a

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‘CITY OF DREAMS’, available in all formats will be FREE this thanksgiving weekend only.
Share it with your friends and don’t forget to leave me a review, thanks (:


“Have you ever wondered where stories come from? Where are paintings, sculptures and poetry, prose born? In the artist’s subconscious mind? Dreams? How come some writers and painters roughly have the same idea and come up with similar creations, even though they’ve never read or seen anything by the other or communicated it in any way? Is there such a thing as a ‘Well of Art’ that all artists drink from to be inspired? And if so, how is this accomplished? Whilst asleep? Dreaming? Where is art born?”

Aigle Comyenti is travelling home to be on time for his sister’s wedding. Whilst travelling he hears the last notes of an enchanting tune and makes a sudden decision. He MUST have that song.
The musician however, on her way to an art festival to perform, not only teaches Aigle the melody, but also steals his trusty pendant: the coppery piece given to him by his real father. The jewellery, worthless to the girl, is immensely valuable to the boy and his vanishing kind; the empathetic comyentis. For it is not only the last reminder of his mysterious people but could also be the very key to their unknown past and origin…

The handsome young traveller has no other choice than to follow the girl, but where she is going, Aigle is reluctant to set foot; it is a city crammed with the comyentis’ number one enemy: humans. A place where danger for discovery lies high. What Aigle finds next within the walls of the city of Traumermoure is beyond what he could ever have dreamed up. Not only is the girl he followed there, Mallory, been put into a deep sleep from which she cannot wake, but the city’s visitors may face the same fate…

Can Aigle, who has powers beyond men’s understanding, be concerned? Will he risk everything that is at stake for one human girl he hardly knows
To wake Mallory up, he has to enter her dreams…

One click here to get it now: http://hyperurl.co/gjzqlx?IQid=vevo

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The Origin of Evil and Writing in Grey


We live in a world built on absolutes. Right and wrong. Win or lose. Polarised views. Religious, racial and political divides.

But what if life is not that simple? What if the world is not that straightforward?

We explain everything what we see and what happens in definite terms. Right or wrong? Good or bad? What if it’s possible to be just a little bit right and just a little bit wrong? What if life is not a matter of right or wrong, winning or losing? Not black and white? What if life is actually played out in grey areas? What if it is time for stories to reflect this?

How are right and wrong defined?


In religion, ethics and philosophy, “good and evil” is a common dichotomy. It is the concept of all human desires, behaviours and values. A dualistic spectrum-wherein in one direction is life and continuity (good), and in the other there is death and destruction (evil).

Good is a sense of having the right desirable quality.

Likewise, most religious and philosophical interpretations agree that evil behaviour itself is an aberration; one that defies any understanding, save that the path of evil is one of confusion and excessive selfish desire (greed).

It is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are “good” (or right) and “bad” (or wrong).

Religious and philosophical views both tend to agree that goodness is built-in to human nature and is ultimately based on the natural love, bonding and affection that people grow to feel for other people and creatures alike.

We can argue about what sorts of things are good, but we all know what love is, or feel the loss of it when we don’t.

Morality ultimately comes down to sympathy and fellow feelings for others. That is something we share with other intelligent ‘higher’ species, which have a conscious.

But it seems that we are the only species that understand when we do wrong when we do, or to better put it; know when we do wrong and still do it. That is what separates us, I believe. What makes us human.


 Is darkness just less light?

“Why do men kill?” “Because they can.” Quote from ‘Call Off The Search’.

We all are the sum of our experiences; we are what we get fed with from an early age. We become what we know. We learn and live by example. Is that true?

Like in nature, if an animal does not receive any form of love, physical contact, a warm start in life, and example in how to behave socially, they can’t recognize nor give love.

It seems that love is the key.

Deprivation of love and affection in a child leads to insecurity, a lack of, or very low, self-esteem, and it won’t know how to deal with attention and will seek it out somehow later on in life, as if to fill a void to compensate. Some children that were abused will as an adult even choose an abusive or violent partner, for that is all they have ever known. Another theory is that they want to be in control because it was taken away from them in an early life. Sadly, some will even start to abuse their own children. They often have a twisted sense of right and wrong. They have never received honest love and can therefore not give from their heart. And thus the cycle will continue…

Someone’s background is crucial if we want to understand certain behaviour. For me as an author it is very important to investigate this subject. I do this in every story I write. The very reasons as to why things happen to a person and the people around them: what makes a protagonist tick, but also how did they get where they are in life? What is their history and how does it impact them?

Our stories simply cannot be black and white any longer. If we want to portray believable characters they will just have to be imperfect. Grey. For no one can be the manifestation of goodness, not even in a story. Not only would it come across as very unprofessional (or boring to say the least), but it would also be very unrealistic, unless you limit yourself to writing fairy-tales.

But even modern fairy-tales have changed their course. It is a hopeful change and a proof that people are starting to understand that every bad thing usually has a good reason.

darth vader

Take for example the ‘Star Wars’ series by George Lucas that explores the background of Darth Father and how he became evil. And what about the book (and musical) ‘Wicked’, by Gregory Maguire, that explains the history of the Wicked Witch of the West, and the fact she didn’t die?


For isn’t that usually the case; that the wrongdoer dies at the end? What else are we suppose to do with them? The audience wasn’t ready for anything else in the seventies, but we are now.

Just like in all fairy-tales the audience wanted, or expected, a gratifying end with ‘Star Wars’ and ‘The Wizard Of Oz’. But as time went on we grew ready for, not only the questions, but also the answers.

Even more interesting is the movie ‘Maleficent’, a Disney retelling of Snow-white, in whereby the story not only focuses on the why and how “the evil stepmother” became evil. This story does more. It is the opposite of what we are so used to reading in stories like these: the “evil” one does not die in the end, but changes back from evil to being good! That seems to be something new entirely!


“I believe that everybody deserves a second chance.”  ‘City of Dreams’

In fairy-tales and High Fantasy, good and evil are represented very clearly, more than in any other genre. Especially Tolkien’s ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of The Rings’. The elves, dwarves, men and hobbits are on the good side, the orcs are clearly on the dark side. However, there is one character that is different: Gollum. Gollum’s desire for the Ring is not his fault. The Ring caused him to have a split personality in the first place. Under centuries of the Ring’s influence, Gollum had come to love and despise the Ring, just as he loved and hated himself. Throughout the story, Gollum was torn between his lust for the ring and his desire to be free of it. Gollum wants the ring, but Smeagol doesn’t. In ‘The Two Towers’, Smeagol says that he hates Gollum and wants him to go away.

So no, not evil. Just disturbed.


For is evil not just good tortured by his own hunger and thirst? Are we not all black and white inside? Or rather… grey?

Was that the start of a new change in literature, I wonder?

With my own writing I hope to add to that change. I especially have tried to do so with ‘The Queen’s Curse’ and the “villain” Sempervirens. This sorceress has had a disturbing upbringing which led to her evil ways. In fact, it appears that she is the one that hurts the most.

Someone’s abusive background should never be an excuse for wrong-doing, but an explanation. Can Sempervirens change her evil ways to become good?

Doesn’t change ultimately comes from within?

“I love the girl you once were and the woman you were supposed to be. Not what they made you to be. I do not believe this is all you. You were not responsible what happened to the girl, but the woman you are today can still change, if you just let go of that negative side of yours. Then you can at least start to love yourself…finally.” ‘The Queen’s Curse’

We all know deep down that we love seeing good prevail to give us hope. To feel better and safe again. To make us feel we are not alone perhaps, and give us courage and inner strength.

Justice, revenge, redemption are things we all need to see happening, and if not in real life then let it be in a story. We do what we can in our own little ways and find purpose and meaning, to make a difference, saving the planet by recycling, reducing waste, being kind to animals and each other. Isn’t that good enough?

I write because I want to do more.

My writing acknowledges that there is indeed evil in the world, but there is also good in each and every one of us, and that we can all help each other find it.

And hopefully in the process, when people read my books I will touch some hearts and minds.


Books by Natasja Hellenthal

The Queen’s Curse (lgbt Fantasy)  http://smarturl.it/thequeenscurse?IQid=qr


Chained Freedom (Paranormal Fantasy) http://smarturl.it/ChainedFreedomNH

Chained Freedom Coverfinal1

Call Off The Search, Comyenti Series #1 http://smarturl.it/calloffthesearch?IQid=qr


Children Of The Sun, Comyenti Series #2 http://smarturl.it/cots2


The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Supernatural lgbt Fantasy) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1F2TMG

City of Dreams (Fantasy novella, coming 27th of November)


Sky Whisperers (YA Dystopian lgbt Fantasy, coming March 2015)

Social media:

My author page: http://www.amazon.com/Natasja-Hellenthal/e/B00CMNVPX4/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

My facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/authorNatasjaHellenthal

My facebook group (Speculative Fiction Book Club): https://www.facebook.com/groups/568952729881225/

My website: https://natasjahellenthal.wordpress.com/

Twitter: @natasjahellenth

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Two decades ago a great deafening silence entered the world. Since then, the winds mysteriously have stayed away. And with the disappearing of the wind, the magic held by the once mighty immortal Sky Whisperers was shattered. Their power over the natural world lost, the gift of aiding life, now only the small magics are left to Xenthia and her people: to help sustain life, what little there is. For the world of Lorian is dying and thus sadly its creatures, great and small. Only those that can withstand the heat and dust thrive.

All Nemsa has ever known is a world without wind, ever since the days of her birth. And for that she is both tormented and shunned by the people of her village. They call her “WindTaker” and suspect that somehow she is responsible.

But Nemsa just wants to find out why the wind is gone and why the Gods have forgotten about them. When one day she meets enchanting Xenthia, a Sky Whisperer, the choice is easily made. But Nemsa’s path lies far above all she has ever known, beyond her own village and the Lower Sky, past the red dusty mountains even, and up to the unknown lands of the Upper Sky Dome, the realm of the Sky Whisperers.

But, even with her heritage, how can crippled and one-eyed Nemsa’s destiny be linked with that of the powerful Xenthia, and how can frail Nemsa ever hope to stand against the power of a vengeful, ambitious Sun Whisperer? For she is their last hope. Is the courage in her heart enough?

Magic is at work, a fatal sickness is spreading among mortals and immortals alike, the sun is brutally burning, and the fates of all hang in the balance … and if she is to fulfil her destiny, Nemsa must find her way through it all …

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********#Fantasy #Series ********
Book 1: http://smarturl.it/calloffthesearch?IQid=qr FREE in KindleUnlimited
Book 2: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N2U9GE6 (pre-order)

The comyentis are different; beautiful and mysterious, possessing powers of which humans can only dream. And for this, they are hated, persecuted. For millennia, humanity has murdered and enslaved the peaceful comyentis wherever they find them. Jealous of their ability to merge their minds with animals to use their powers, to empathise with other beings on a deep spiritual level and even hear their thoughts, they seek out and destroy them.
Half-breed Sula, one of the last of her kind, lives in hiding. With not just her own life but her whole species’ held precariously within her hands, she feels the weight of her responsibility. As loneliness and alienation slowly engulf her, an attractive young human enters her world and she is torn. Should Sula trust him? Can she afford not to? Will she be able to overcome her aversion to humans to save her species from extinction? A life as a wandering hermit, or risk everything for love?
Sula’s life becomes further complicated when she meets another comyenti and is forced to make a decision. Follow her head or her heart? ***


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New Novella Chained Freedom update


My upcoming novella has been sent to the first editor!

Release date: Febr/March. Stay tuned!


“This is not a fairytale, but a true story,” storyteller Tana Woodwolf tells the audience.

One day she finds herself transported to a tower and from that day on is entrapped within the grasp of a cruel wizard.

She and the other prisoners don’t have a clue as to why they’re there. They wear no chains, there are no locks and the surrounding fields are enclosed by an invisible impenetrable wall no one has ever managed to break through.Added to that, people on a regular bases are dragged up the stairs by an invisible hand.

One day Tana hears a mysterious voice, “Look and be free…-You’ll have to let go of what you know.”

But how does she escape? Who does that voice belongs to that is trying to help her?Image

Read page-turning, ‘Chained Freedom’ and cling to Tana and her efforts to free herself and the others and won’t rest until she does.


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